Alison decided to give Emma Kate her first bath. She quickly found out that EK did not enjoy being naked and having water on her! She’s clean, but as evident in these post-bath photos, she much prefers the warmth of being swaddled.


 post-bath 2

Look at that spiked hair:

 spiked hair

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September 6, 2006

First Bath


Emma Kate’s first Labor Day was not much different than any other day in her life so far. I don’t think she realized it was a holiday and that we were supposed to be eating hotdogs and hamburgers. So, she stuck to her regular – breastmilk and formula. Grandma and Grandpa stayed until about 6:30. Grandma made a delicious dinner with ham, biscuits, green beans, and my all-time favorite, mashed potatoes. Ashley Brookshaw, a friend who teaches with Alison at SHMES, hung out for a while at the house. She brought an adorable outfit. Thanks so much!

Ashley and Emma Kate

Grandma's little girl

asleep on grandma

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September 5, 2006

Labor Day


Proof that she’s adorable:

little girl 

blue eyed girl

With grandpa:

grandpa's little EK

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September 4, 2006

Adorable proof


Lisa and her mother, Clara, are two of the sweetest people you will ever meet. Emma Kate had heard so many great things about them, she almost peed in her diaper (wait, she might have!) when she found out that they were coming by! They brought her the most beautiful dress from Strasburg. It will be adorable on her (of course!).

Clara, Lisa, Alison, and Emma Kate


Waiting for a burp! 

Lisa watches from a distance 

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September 3, 2006

Lisa & Clara stop by
