Today Emma Kate her first unpleasant doctor’s visit. She had four painful vaccine shots. Alison cried about as hard as Emma Kate did. But it was only 30 seconds of screaming (from EK) and the pain was over. You couldn’t help but feel bad for the little girl. She was laying there without a care in the world and all of a sudden she feels not one, but 4 separate jolts of pain in her legs.

She is continuing to gain weight and is now up to 11 pounds 7 ounces! She’s in the 75th percentile. She didn’t get any taller this time, but her 21.5″ is still above average and the doctor thinks she will continue to be slightly above average height.

In two months EK goes back for another painful round of shots. Poor girl!

The pediatrician recommended a product called Gripe Water by Baby’s Bliss to help with her fussy spells. I found some at one of the small local pharmacies and we’re going to try it out. I’ll let you know if it works.

We can’t really tell if the chamomile tea is helping. At least it pacifies her while she’s drinking it. Beyond that, we’re not sure.

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October 18, 2006

Ouch! The two month checkup
