Believe it or not, Emma Kate had another baby shower. It was originally scheduled for the week that Alison ended up going into the hospital. Thanks to all of the people at Sara Harp Minter Elementary for the great gifts and money. They are very much appreciated.

Too tired to play on the new Baby Einstein play mat after arriving home:

October 12, 2006
On Wednesday Donette (my brother’s wife) and her son Jadon drove in from Columbia, SC to spend a few days. It was Jadon’s first time meeting his cousin Emma Kate. Alison, Donette, Jadon, and EK has a great time hanging out while I was at work. On Friday they met at my office and we all went to the airport to pick up Jay (my brother) who was flying in from a Portland business trip. From the airport we drove to Marietta to eat at Pappasito’s. It is a delicious Mexican restaurant! Emma Kate was an angel. I fed her while we were there and Alison held up during much of the meal. EK just looked around staring at every thing. I think she loves getting out and seeing new things.
The 1.5-2 hour ride home wasn’t quite as enjoyable. EK showed off her healthy lungs and vocal chords, while Jay and Donette tried their hardest to soothe her. No such luck!
I do have a few photos of Jadon’s visit, but I don’t have them ready to upload yet. I’ll add them soon!
UPDATE – finally some photos:

From Donette & Jay:
Jadon watching out for Emma Kate:
Donette holding Emma Kate & Jadon:
Jadon & Emma Kate:
Jadon gives sugar to his cousin Emma Kate:
Jadon catches a grasshopper:
Alison, Jadon, and EK at the Chick-fil-A Dwarf House in Griffin (daddy’s favorite!):
Emma Kate and mommy in Chick-fil-A:

October 9, 2006
This is just a random photo taken on 9/27 of Emma Kate in a cute outfit:

September 27, 2006
It was my intention to update Emma Kate’s blog every two or three days. However, last week i failed miserably! One of the golden rules of blogging is to post at regular intervals and not to have large gaps between posts. Forgive me for breaking that rule! Here is my update:
Life is continuing to press on with Emma Kate. She continues to be a bigger joy than any of us could have imagined. Her sleeping habits last week were starting to become more regular and we had a few nights where she would go about 3 hours between feedings without fussing much. This all changed on Tuesday when she wouldn’t go more than 2 hours, and was usually crying way before the 2 hour mark. We took her to the doctor (as explained in my previous post), and the doctor said she might be going through a growth spurt, or might be over-stimulated from our company, or might just be getting more demanding as her original due date approaches (tomorrow!).
Cousin Haley and Aunt Terri from Colorado flew into Knoxville this weekend, and Alison’s parents drove them to our house on Monday. Her parents are staying until this afternoon and Terri & Haley are staying until Sunday. Alison’s other sister, Kaye, and her two kids, Jake & Megan, are driving down tomorrow and staying through Sunday. My cousin Hester and her husband David are driving in from Columbia, SC just to spend Saturday with us. Needless to say, it has been and will continue to be a zoo at our house, but we love seeing all of the family!
OK, I know you’re really just here to see the photos, so I won’t delay them any more. Enjoy!

September 21, 2006