Today was a great day! We were visited by several of our good friends, and they were all getting to meet Emma Kate for the first time. Erin brought with her delicious sweet potato doughnuts! You know how to get to my heart!
Just having visitors is so nice when you’re stuck in a house for so many weeks straight. But having good friends over is much better. Thanks for such a fun visit!
Steve, Erin, Alison & the star of the show, Emma Kate:
Steve, the photographer:
Emma Kate, the model:

It’s time to eat (again!):

Wanting more…

September 3, 2006
Very rarely did I ever think a newborn was pretty, but yet I find myself in complete awe of the beauty of my own child. She’s the most adorable thing in the world. So I’m wondering is she only adorable because she’s my own daughter? Or is she just one of the rare truly beautiful babies? I just don’t know! I wish i had time to put a poll up so I could get your opinion. Until then I’m going to stick with my story that she’s adorable. How can you look at this picture and not think so?
September 2, 2006
Friday Aunt Dee drove down from Suwanee to visit Emma Kate. She had fun (of course!) holding and playing with EK. She can’t wait for Uncle J., Addison, and Madeline to meet her!
Dee took a few pictures while she was here:

September 1, 2006
Emma Kate has loved having her mommy around every day to play with:

August 31, 2006