Emma Kate was delighted to get a visit from her friend Brittain Friday evening. Brittain brought her mom and grandmother with her, along with a wonderful Ritz Chicken Casserole and a big batch of special recipe brownies that she slaved over for hours!
Alison shows off EK to Valerie and Jackie:

EK shows off her newly acquired bottle holding skills:

Alison and Emma enjoy a fun playdate with good friends Valerie and Brittain:

Be sure to check out Brittain’s blog to read her story and meet her family.
August 27, 2006
Emma Kate had a blast spending the week with her Nana & Papaw shop. She was sad to see them go back to Knoxville this afternoon!
Papaw & Emma Kate:

Just chillin’ with my grandparents:

Nana, Papaw, & baby:

August 27, 2006
When Emma Kate was first born the nurses kept joking about how long her umbilical cord was. They called it her “jump rope” (as you can in one of the videos!). Well, on 8/26 (this post was backdated) the rest of her umbilical cord fell off and now she has a belly button! Yay! No more jump rope!

August 26, 2006
Warning: If you’re tired of seeing pics of Emma Kate, then just skip this post.
Emma Kate loves to dance in her sleep:

Not much bigger than daddy’s hand:
Sometimes she doesn’t mind getting her diaper changed:

Do you think she’s daddy’s girl?
“Oh my!”:

Wishful big eyes:

The look of hunger:

Right before Bradley & Alison go out to eat (El Charro) for the first time post-pregnancy:

Nana babysits while they’re gone:

Macy drops by to meet Emma Kate on her way back from GSU:

She’s keeping the thumb close to her mouth just in case she needs it:

August 25, 2006